Home Events ‘Get The Scissors’ Comedy about disabled girl played by disabled woman, screens at The Laemmle, Glendale

‘Get The Scissors’ Comedy about disabled girl played by disabled woman, screens at The Laemmle, Glendale

Long time Sunland resident, who is disabled, stars in a comedy about a disabled girl. It will premiere at the Laemmle Glendale on Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 11:30. It is free. The star, Melody Braudrick, now lives in a group home. When asked to play the part, Melody said, “I’ve always wanted to be an actress”. 

For Immediate Release West Coast Premiere of movie short ‘Get The Scissors’. It is a comedy about well meaning but bumbling girls taking their disabled cousin to the movies.  ‘Get The Scissors’ was nominated for a Student Academy Award. It just played at The Jersey Shore Film Festival, July 3, 2023 and is nominated for an award. Outcome is due mid August. The movie is based on a true anecdote about a girl, Patricia, disabled at birth, with little hope for survival. She died last August at 83. She was educated in the same privileged manner as her 6 siblings. She was a marvel and the subject of myriad humorous stories like ‘Get The Scissors’’ Happy coincidence the movie plays at the end of Disability Pride Month. Contact Sheila O’Callaghan/O’Callaghan Productions/Los Angeles City College Cinema Student sheilamocallaghan@gmail.com 301-742-5513


  • Sponsoring Organization: O'Callaghan Productions
  • Location or Venue: Laemmle/Glendale