HomeLettersCommunication Is Important

Communication Is Important

I just read Mayor Elen Asatryan’s comments in the Saturday edition of the Glendale News-Press dated June 15, and although I agree with most of her vision, I have one reminder for the mayor.

I like to watch the City Council meetings on television to find out what is going on in our city. In the article the mayor speaks of communication and some people not understanding because of a language barrier.

Not everyone understands Armenian. One night, someone spoke from the podium in Armenian, and the mayor responded to the person in Armenian and was about to continue the meeting when one of the other council members let her know that there should be a translator on hand at meetings. She agreed.

What I didn’t understand was that if a lot of people on the council and the mayor, herself, understood what the person said, why not just apologize and, right then and there, translate what the person said?

The problem has since been corrected, and I appreciate that, but I wanted to make the mayor aware that communication is, indeed, a big issue.

Jeri Anderson


First published in the June 22 print issue of the Glendale News-Press.

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